02/02 | 03/02 | ||
07:08 | 07:06 | ||
17:13 | 17:14 |
Colleges intending to run an event on the Cam should prepare a report outlining the proposed procedures for the races and complete a risk assessment, in accordance with BR guidelines. Appropriate insurance (available from CUCBC) must also be arranged. The report and the risk assessment should be sent to the CUCBC Honarary Secretary (cucbc[at]cucbc.org) and Safety Advisor (safetyadvisor[at]cucbc.org) and these will be studied by the CUCBC, and race organisers may be required to discuss the details in person. Once the CUCBC is satisfied with the proposals, both a representative of the College Race and of the CUCBC will sign the agreement. Upon completion the CUCBC will grant permission for the event to be held, but this is in no way binding on the CUCBC and the College remains wholly responsible for the event. In extreme circumstances, CUCBC retain the overriding right to intervene on the day of racing where safety appears to be in jeopardy.
The report should, at least, take into account the guidelines below, and a copy should be submitted to the Honorary Secretary of the CUCBC, along with a copy of the Risk Assessment, as early as possible in the term in which the event is to be held, and not later than 14 days before the event. Details of the event
Organisation of crews
Bank parties
Safety checks
» Risk Assessment for Rowing Events on the Cam In addition to the information on the Risk Assessment page, a risk assessment template can be found below. This will give some indication of how such an assessment should be prepared.
Events must have appropriate insurance. Insurance for College-run events is available from the CUCBC Senior Treasurer. The insurance form below should be completed and returned.
Attachment | Size |
Risk Assessment Form [PDF] | 28.63 KB |
Risk Assessment Form [DOC] | 68 KB |
College Event Insurance Form [PDF] | 104.01 KB |
College Event Insurance Form [DOC] | 29.5 KB |
Postcodes of River Locations [PDF] | 11.86 KB |
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